Business Software

The Business Software Advantage If you had asked me 20 years ago what “business software” meant to me, I would have stared back at you blankly. I am not what you would call a techie person. I am, first and foremost, a businessman. My business of baking bread and...
SAP Software

SAP Software

SAP software company – A lesson on risk-taking, constant challenge, and crystal-clear vision. It was in 1972 when five engineers from IBM broke away from the established firm to see what they can make of themselves. It was the decade when mainframes ruled and the five...


Private: FastShift: Easy Upgrade to SAP A1 FastShift | Easy Upgrade to SAP A1   Ready to SHIFT to a HIGHER GEAR? FastTrack Solutions now has a standard implementation methodology to help your business shift from SAP Business One (SAP B1) to SAP Business...

Fasttrack One Cloud

Fasttrack One Cloud   Being responsive to market demands means you need to revolutionize the way you do business and embrace the Future of the CLOUD.   One Cloud is a Subscription Based Hosting that gives a new licensing & delivery option for SAP...