Can anybody explain what a SAP system is?

SAP System may sound hi-tech and complicated but it’s really just a tool to make your life simple and hassle free. It makes sure you stick to essentials. The SAP system software is a way to manage the 4Ms of your business: Material, Manufacturing, Machines and Money....

What is SAP Accounting Software System?

SAP Accounting Software System is one of the most, if not the most, popular brand of accounting software in the world. Backed by German firm SAP’s 40-year expertise in the financial software business and bolstered by the thousands of companies, of whatever size in...

Ericom AccessNow

Ericom AccessNow SAP Business One and Ericom AccessNow have joined forces to enable small and mid size businesses to access their Enterprise Resource Planning system quickly and easily.   A Match Made in the Cloud: SAP Business One and Ericom AccessNow...

Accounting Software for Small Business

Is your accounting software the best accounting software for small business? Sure, you have made that decision. You are the owner of a small business and you appreciate that despite your limited resources, you have to invest in some form of an accounting software...