Vegs at SAP unite

Vegs at SAP unite

Diversity is not only in race, age, or background. It is also observed in one’s life choices. At SAP, the decision to pursue a certain lifestyle is not only respected, but supported. At SAP Labs in Israel, vegetarians and vegans got together–initially because of a...

SAP’s Founding Fathers

In 1972, five brave young IBM employees decided to forego a secure future and see if they could make their own ideas work better for them. Dietmar Hopp, Hans-Werner Hector, Hasso Plattner, Klaus Tschira, and Claus Wellenreuther launched a company called Systems,...

10 steps to being a great SAP consultant

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a successful SAP consultant?   Author David Jannotta thinks he knows the answers.  Here are, according to him, 10 simple steps to becoming a Master SAP Consultant.   1. Plan  Planning is an essential stepping stone...

An accountant’s survival guide: Busy seasons

So there are days when the pressure is so great that you wonder why you even chose this profession in the first place. This is called the Busy Season. It does not matter what kind of accountant you are. You may be a tax accountant, one that works for the government,...