Marketing Firm goes Live with SAP B1

Consumer marketing company Lamonte recently went live with its SAP B1 implementation through a partnership with Fasttrack Solutions, Inc. – a show of its preparedness to embrace technology in enhancing its operations and becoming more competitive to serve its...

SIDC goes live with SAP B1

Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative (SIDC) completed a live implementation of SAP Business One in February this year, signaling its advancement towards integration of its varios business processes, SIDC Chairman Edgardo Dimaano recently announced. SAP Business One...

Cost Accounting System

Cost accounting system refers to a type of accounting system that evaluates how a company is doing and helps managers make decisions based on the costs of doing business. The cost accounting system approach is applicable to all kinds of business, whether it is...

6 Reasons Why You Should Date an Accountant

Believe it or not, accountants may just be the best relationship partners you’ll ever have. Here’s why: 1. They are champions of balanceAccountants’ basic training tells them that assets are equal to liabilities plus stockholders’ equity. They know that an...